The Matrescence - The Host by Tori Show

Mommy Wine Culture, Division of Labor, and Relieving Stressors of Motherhood

Megan Dalton and Lauren Hays

Today, Tori sits down with the founders of The Matrescence, Megan and Lauren. The Matrescence was born out of a desire to provide more maternal support after personally facing bouts of debilitating anxiety, feelings of loneliness, and in an attempt to seek validation and connection. They are two moms (Lauren is a board-certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and boy mom times three and Megan a marketing guru and mom of 3 under 6) on a mission to change the landscape of maternal mental health and to identify its role and importance to overall wellness. The Matrescence is a digital maternal mental health community + app providing a space to learn, heal, and grow.

This episode is not necessarily for just moms or future moms, but more having the conversation around parenting, division of labor, mental health, and alcohol more broadly.

Key takeaways

  • What exactly is mommy wine culture and how it uses humor as a shield for stressors during tough parenting moments

  • Division of labor across parents who take care of the household vs go into a more traditional corporate job

  • How motherhood can be a beautiful chapter but also not be your entire identity

  • Mental health awareness around parenting and what causes the breaking point of motherhood

  • What things you can gravitate to when you’re stressed instead of alcohol

  • How I candidly think about the tradeoffs on when I want to start a family

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/xWs0v_SIMwg

Follow The Matrescence at @thematrescence and thematrescence.com


